Monday, June 14, 2010

Katelyn growing...

1 month
2 months

3 months

4 months!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Finding time to blog again...

Blogs.aren’t they great? I love reading the blogs of my friends and family and whenever I make time to update our blog, I always find it to be a meaningful way to reflect on the latest events in my life. It’s nearly been 4 months since I’ve sat down to update our blog. A lot has happened in the last 4 months…

Becoming a mom has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I don’t even have words to describe how incredible it has been to get to know little Katelyn Amare. During my pregnancy there were just so many nights I would lay awake in bed feeling her move around and I would repeatedly tell Andy that I just can’t wait to meet our little girl. Now, I just can’t stop looking at her sweet face and kissing her chubby cheeks. I thank God everyday for her.

Most of my girl friends became moms before I did. I have learned so much from each of them as I have watched them transition into the role and processed the experience of parenting with them. I’ve read a few parenting books and have done my fair share of babysitting…but nothing could have fully prepared me for the experience of having a child of my own. I’ve been surprised by the way it has consumed me and have been humbled by the difficulty I’ve had with aspects of caring for Katelyn. I’ve been blown away by the strong attachment I feel towards her and the deep love I instantly had for her. She is constantly on my mind…and I’ve had to pray against constantly worrying about her. I’ve been told many times, by other moms, to cherish each moment because it goes fast. I’ve been trying to soak it all in because I can hardly believe how much Katelyn has grown since her birth.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Prego pics!

I just finished taking-what I hope to be- my last prego pics! Soon after I found out I was pregnant I decided to take a picture of what I looked like before 9 months of pregnancy...I'm sure glad I did. I've honestly forgotten what I looked like before...I've really loved carrying a baby for the last several's a daily reminder of a miracle. At this point, though, I'm ready to done!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting Ready!

The bags are packed, her nursery is ready, we have everything we need...and more! Now she just needs to come! 10 more days until her due date....

Andy and I made her took much longer than we thought it would....but it was so fun!


We've been so blessed by family and friends! Here's a few pictures of our baby showers!
My C0-workers had a joint shower for my friend Miranda and I. She just recently had her little I'm just waiting for mine!

Miranda, Rachel and Faith threw an amazing shower! Thank you so much! I can't believe what incredible friends I have. Rachel drove up for Illionios for the shower! I just felt so loved!

My Aunts on my mom's side celebrated baby "lulu" a few weeks ago-my family gave our baby lulu as a nick name since we're not telling people the name until she's born!

My aunts on my dad's side threw a shower this past, my face is quite swollen!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We just spent the last 3 days in northern MN with my family. Andy and Tim went snowboarding one day while the rest of us stayed warm inside! We had tons of fun cooking together, watching movies, swimming, playing games and shopping! Thank you mom and dad for a wonderful weekend away!

Homemade Pizza's!

Andy practicing his child care skills with our nephew Landon!

Staff Christmas Party!

Love em!

yep! It's about that time! Here's a couple pics of Andy and my dad putting together our daughters crib and dresser. The nursey is almost done and I'll post pictures soon!

Staff retreat! This took place almost a month ago now, but it was a fantastic weekend away with my team!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting Bigger!

Yep, definitely getting bigger! She's moving around a ton lately. I love that! It's a constant reminder to me that she's growing! I just can't wait to meet this little one! 14 weeks to go!