Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas is coming...


Saturday, November 15, 2008

The latest

These last few weeks have been so FULL, but so FUN! We recently went to an AIDS awareness event. It was super powerful...and such a good reminder global issues. This is my breakfast club. Please meet Jessica, Kaylee & Heidi. We get together on Saturday mornings and it just couldn't be more perfect.
Greg and Rachel & Maddie came to visit! An absolute highlight of the fall! We had a blast catching up & hanging out. Andy and I are so thankful for such amazing friends.

Isn't she beautiful?!

Greg and Andy went a Vikings game...good times.

Celebrating Andy's birthday at the Wilde Roast Cafe...

Andy turned 29 on November 3rd! I can't imagine life without this incredible man. There is so much to celebrate about him.

Last night we had our friends Heidi and Brandon over for dinner...TV dinners that is.

This pic is in Lutsen, MN with my RA staff.

We decided it was necessary to wear flannels all weekend long. oh my goodness, I couldn't be more excited about this group of people. I've learned so much from doing life with them this year. so many good laughs, so many sweet memories.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

finally an's a few pictures of last couple weeks

dinner with our dear friends faith and dennis!

recently our small group had a day out in the community together

This is a picture of the beautiful trees on campus

staff meeting this week at a coffee shop

Went on a training retreat...grew's a pic of some of my new friends :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

the weeks are flying by...

Here's a picture of my staff. Man, I love them!

Homecoming week here at Bethel...whew! It's a long crazy one!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

such a great weekend

Andy and I had a ton of fun this weekend. We ran a 5K on Saturday morning, spent the day with my parents on an architecture tour of the cities and then spent the evening with friends in Still Water, MN.

After dinner we found a cute coffee shop and played chinese checkers.

Andy and Dad looking at the first home in our tour.

Running next to me is my friend Christine and her 2 kids!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

a very full week.

While I ate cotton candy with 19 year olds, went to a twins game and asked students to keep the noise down, Andy and a few other local architects hosted a fund raiser to build lockers for homeless people. Andy is involved and will soon be co-chair of architecture for humanity, MN.
It's one way he can combine his passion & skills for architecture and people! Below is more information about the event...and the organization. It was sweet to be apart of!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Eccelsia...the gathering of believers

Andy and I have been apart of a home church of sorts for the last year.I don't completely have words to describe how significant this group has been.We have been challenged, inspired and encouraged in ways that we never have before.The focus of the group is on inward spiritual formation, but also on outward movement.I'm so thankful for this aspect of our lives. The picture below is our first group meeting of the year...excited for what is to come...

This is pic of us this summer....

I just really like it...

Andy and I had the perfect weekend. We got to spend a ton of time together.
This morning we went to the farmers market. I absolutely love the farmers market. It's always super crowded and today it rained most of the time we were there, but it's still so great. There is just something to be said about being around tons of people and apart of the all commotion.'s also definitely feeling like fall here.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here we go...

One of my favorite things to do is to look at my friends helps me feel connected to friends living far away. I've decided that it's time to start one of our own. Andy and I have family and friends all over the place and this is such a sweet way to stay in touch with I'm going to attempt to update this thing


Aunt Nicole & Uncle Andy!

Andy & I very recently found out that Andy's sister Christa and her husband Chris are expecting twins! My brother Brian and his wife Kristina are also expecting! So exciting!!

This years staff!

Meet my staff...Jess, Jenna, Hart, Erin, Alyssum, Lars and Chris.
They are incredible. I've learned so much from them already. I've
spent the last 2 weeks straight with them and have loved every minute
of it.


An engagement!!

My brother, Tim, proposed to his girl friend, Michaela, this weekend! Can't wait to have a new sister :)