Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We just spent the last 3 days in northern MN with my family. Andy and Tim went snowboarding one day while the rest of us stayed warm inside! We had tons of fun cooking together, watching movies, swimming, playing games and shopping! Thank you mom and dad for a wonderful weekend away!

Homemade Pizza's!

Andy practicing his child care skills with our nephew Landon!

Staff Christmas Party!

Love em!

yep! It's about that time! Here's a couple pics of Andy and my dad putting together our daughters crib and dresser. The nursey is almost done and I'll post pictures soon!

Staff retreat! This took place almost a month ago now, but it was a fantastic weekend away with my team!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting Bigger!

Yep, definitely getting bigger! She's moving around a ton lately. I love that! It's a constant reminder to me that she's growing! I just can't wait to meet this little one! 14 weeks to go!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Andy turned 30!!

I've been giving Andy a hard time about turning 30! It seems so old! I threw him a big surprise party...and it actually turned out to be a surpise...I thought for sure he would find out about it. 30 is going to be a big year for Andy...becoming a father, graduating with his 2nd master's degree in May and in the next few weeks he will be wrapping up his IDP process and can begin taking his architecture exams. He has been working on getting these IDP hours for over 5 years now! Exciting days ahead. I couldn't be more proud of him. He is so dedicated to whatever God puts in front of him and he is such a person of integrity. Wow, I'm a lucky lady!

Friday, October 30, 2009


It's been far too long since I updated our blog! I'm now 23 weeks pregnant and feelin great! A couple weeks ago we found out we're having a baby girl and we couldn't be more thrilled. I need to post some belly pics soon because I have a huge bump! Andy and I are so very excited for this next season of life...parenting!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

summer has come to a close...

That's right..summer as I've known it is over...back to work. We had an amazing weekend with my family. Tim and Michaela's wedding was an absolute blast. One of my favorite weddings of all time. We recently visited Andy's family in Ohio. We are both so thankful for the opportunity to catch up with everybody there. I also added pictures of my trip to Chicago...a summer highlight for sure!

Me and my cousin Heidi

Could she even be more beautiful?
My nephew is getting so big. He was lookin like a stud at the wedding with his little suit!

Andy and his sisters!

our niece and nephews!

Quality time with our twin nieces! It was our first time meeting them...and we were in love.

summer would not be complete without 500 weddings. Here we are at Andy's good friend Ross and Annetta's wedding.

hahaha we recently went out with some of my friends from high school and ordered the biggest dessert on the menu...we definitely indulged. The dessert practically took up the whole table.

What a gift it was to spend time with my college girls this summer. It had been 4 years since our last reunion.
Each of them have had a baby in the last year or so...wow. They are beautiful mothers...I left being so impressed and proud of them! I'm learning that motherhood is quite an undertaking! we had tons of fun chilling with kiddos!
Rach and I at my new favorite restaurant...what a perfect trip!
before heading to Chicago I met Emily and her son Jack in Lacross, WI...Emily lives in Hong Kong so there is always so much to catch up on during our summer visits.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Time!

We are lovin summer! In the last few days it actually started to feel like summer around here! It's been such a cold start to the season. Here's a few pics of some highlights so far!
Rachel and Maddie came to visit the first week in June! Rach and I did it again...forgot to take pics of the two of us, but I have plenty of her beautiful little girl! Look at those blue eyes!

Andy and Maddie havin fun!

Rach and I talked about life for hours! I couldn't be more thankful for their visit and for her friendship! Love ya Rachie.

One of the things I love most about having the summer off is having time to catch up with people. My friend Natalie studied abroad last semester and it was incredible to hear about her experience in Egypt.

Our dear friends Kaylee and Scott got married last weekend! Such a beautiful wedding! My hair started on fire during the reception...it was quite a sight to see!

Hanging out with high school friends and their babies!

Our church group is meeting each week at one of the members signficant places of ministry. Last week we met at Camp Friendship where our friend Brad works. We got to try out some of the team buidlers and ropes courses. It was a blast. It's amazing how seeing where someone spends their time gives you a different picture of what they do day in and day out. Last night we went to Abbott Hospital where my friend Faith works. What a gift it is to support, encourage and pray for one another in the places that God has us in. We're also studying Acts for the summer and both Andy and I are excited to journey with our friends in this way.

May 30th was our 6th year anniversary! I can hardly believe it! God has been so good! Andy and I spent the weekend together doing some of our favorite things. On Saturday we went hiking at Taylors Falls! Check out these pics!

GRADUATION! it feels soooooooo good to be done.

I could not have finished this program without the support of Andy and my friend Miranda! Thank you both. I don't have words to express my gratefulness to you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


These last couple weeks have been CRAZY! I finished my master's thesis and wow, that really is one of the more difficult things I've done. I defended it yesterday and I'm so proud to say I passed! This unbelieveably full year is coming to a close. I have 2 and a 1/2 weeks to go!

There it is. 57 pages.
Andy designed this elderly care facility. This is his first job as project manager. I got to tour it, and it's so cool inside!

Here's my new staff. We had spring training on Saturday.

Can't believe I'm going into my 5th year as an RD. Working with the RAs is my absolute favorite part.

My nephew is getting so big! Isn't he cute? I'm kinda obesssed with him!!

Sister-in-laws! Love em!

Me and my bros.

We recently had a wine and fondu night with some dear friends....good times.

At our home church this week, we wrote down...in stone...the stories of God's faithfulness over the year...what a powerful way to reflect on God's goodness. This group has meant the world to Andy and I. We've been challenged to live missionally...in our everyday, ordinary lives...

I've learned a ton about racism this year. I've been very ignorant to the reality of racism that people face on a daily basis. I've become aware of white privilege and realize that I still have a lot of learning and growing to do in this area. My staff and I put together a program for my residence hall...

Bethel's president, campus pastor, worship leader and a resident in East all shared their stories and experiences regarding racism/white privilege....very thought provoking....

A couple weeks ago Andy and I took my staff on a retreat. We had a blast hanging out!

These are pics from the RA appreciation banquet last night. I hate the thought of saying goodbye to this team. It's the hardest part of my RD job...I love them...and then they leave and I start over with another group. This team has blown me away with their passion and committment to this ministry...