Sunday, February 14, 2010

Prego pics!

I just finished taking-what I hope to be- my last prego pics! Soon after I found out I was pregnant I decided to take a picture of what I looked like before 9 months of pregnancy...I'm sure glad I did. I've honestly forgotten what I looked like before...I've really loved carrying a baby for the last several's a daily reminder of a miracle. At this point, though, I'm ready to done!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting Ready!

The bags are packed, her nursery is ready, we have everything we need...and more! Now she just needs to come! 10 more days until her due date....

Andy and I made her took much longer than we thought it would....but it was so fun!


We've been so blessed by family and friends! Here's a few pictures of our baby showers!
My C0-workers had a joint shower for my friend Miranda and I. She just recently had her little I'm just waiting for mine!

Miranda, Rachel and Faith threw an amazing shower! Thank you so much! I can't believe what incredible friends I have. Rachel drove up for Illionios for the shower! I just felt so loved!

My Aunts on my mom's side celebrated baby "lulu" a few weeks ago-my family gave our baby lulu as a nick name since we're not telling people the name until she's born!

My aunts on my dad's side threw a shower this past, my face is quite swollen!