Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting Ready!

The bags are packed, her nursery is ready, we have everything we need...and more! Now she just needs to come! 10 more days until her due date....

Andy and I made her took much longer than we thought it would....but it was so fun!


Emily Thompson said...

SOOO cute! I can't believe all the clothes hanging in the closet!! The butterfly mobile is adorable. I hope we get to talk before she comes!

Joshua said...

Very nice; it looks like you're about as ready as you can get... only a little longer and the crib will be filled!!!

Laura said...

I love the mobile!! What a cute room!! :)

Rachel Hamann said...

Yay! The frames look so cute and I LOVE the hamper as well. Way to go, bestie!

Follett Family said...

Great job decorating the room!! So many clothes for the little one! I hope everything goes great for you!!!